In my time at UCSB I’ve developed skills in ArcGIS, R, Excel, and STATA. I have experience with data cleaning, collection, analysis, and visualization methods. Here is a collection of links to some of the projects I’ve created:

Building a project website

Agriculture and Food Access in California

This is one of the maps I created for this project, highlighting the large Hispanic and Latino populations in the top agricultural counties in California. In this project I used visualizations like this map to help illustrate how the prevalence of food insecurity in these counties is linked to racial and political factors.

Statistical Analysis of Biological Data

This image shows one of the visualizations I created for my report, illustrating the varying levels of gross photosynthesis of coral species at sites where seawater had high (red) and low (blue) concentrations of CO2.

Data Wrangling: Manipulating Live Covid-19 Pandemic Data

This image was produced using NYT COVID-19 data and shows daily new cases in four states, as well as the seven day rolling mean.

Projections, Distances, and Mapping

This map is a culmination of data analysis throughout the lab, and the application of mapping tools such as gghhighlight and ggrepel.

Tesselations, Spatial Joins, and Point-in-Polygon: Working with the National Dams Inventory

This image shows density of dam locations in a CONUS projection using a voronoi tesselation.

Raster Analysis and Remote Sensing

This image shows five unique thresholding methods for delineating surface water features, created using different combinations of Landsat bands.

Terrain Analysis: Flood Risk in Mission Creek

This gif shows a flood inundation map library for Mission Creek for stage values ranging from 0 to 20 feet, with the hillshade, flood level, and impacted buildings for each stage.

Identifying Populations Vulnerable to High Heat in California

These images show visualizations of some of the data we collected for this project.